@d^dU?of`e``!@ NT 13-1302(a)(2) 24 P.S. 13-1306 Nonresident Students in Institutions, BEC 42 U.S.C. Entitlement of resident children to attend public schools. o A school district may not prevent a child, including an unaccompanied child, from enrolling in or attending school if the adult enrolling the child chooses not to provide the child's social security number. You should fill out and sign this form, and the child's parents should sign too, if possible. HtSMs0WQF S;=AVcKTC+Sld} a+y+@'e[9mke1mKXe^;YL?Zm q63Ay )i PJ=Q5Xsc4Zc6A_l0J.~*$nA}Z*.f?RqlyKvF Address Confidentiality Program (ACP). A school district may not deny or delay a child's school enrollment based on the information contained in a disciplinary record or sworn statement. Evidence that the child's parents are in the military and in active service outside this area. Upon enrollment, the school district or charter school is to contact the student's former school for a copy of the student's education records. You should consult a local attorney on these issues. The best thing you can do, if you want to have your children going to a specific school, is to purchase a home in the district you want to be in. This includes youth who have run away from home, been thrown out of their home, been abandoned or separated from their parents or guardians for any other reason. The school is required to accept the child as a student unless there are other reasons for not enrolling the child. Why Do Schools Have Residency Requirements? Courts tend to look at a sudden change children's school as a bad thing and will do what they can to avoid it. If the school district does not enroll the student within five (5) school days after receiving the written determination, the Department will issue a letter to the school district requesting its position on the situation. 13-1302; to nonresident students living in a facility or institution; and to nonresident students living in a foster home. 23 Pa. C.S.A. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. In the case of homeless students, traditional concepts of "residence" and "domicile" do not apply. (. When a student returns to a school district from a delinquency placement, the school district cannot automatically place a child in an alternative education program for disruptive youth merely because the child had been adjudicated delinquent. Plyler v. DOE, a U.S. Supreme Court decision, held that it is unconstitutional to deny free public education to children who are not legally admitted into the United States. School districts may never ask the family for the childs or parents immigration documents (during enrollment or at any other time). This is because the primary goal of Courts is usually to minimize disruption to the children. A child who is in foster care or who is living in a childrens institution, like a halfway house or a group home, is entitled to enroll in the school district. You need to completely fill out the form, and sign the form. If you want your child to attend the school in their grandparents district there are a few ways you can do this, without having to sell your own house and move into another area. For more information on Martindale-Hubbell Client Review Ratings, please visit our Client Review Page. 13-1302 and reflects current requirements of the Pennsylvania Public School Code and The district should be flexible and reasonable as to what is required. Past education record. Some school boards may not have the time or resources to really verify that all of their students live where they say they do. Include the Solo Mom in the loop. The Federal Adoption Assistance Program, among other things, provides for adoption assistance payments to encourage the placement of certain hard-to-place children with adoptive parents, 42 U.S.C. The school district must provide translation and interpretation services to the extent needed to help the family understand the enrollment process and enroll the student in school promptly. Keystone State. 1703. Download our ESME app for a smoother experience. The Home Language Survey is a brief and important survey required by law. Keep in mind that by signing the form, you are swearing everything you have said in the form is true. 1985). As a condition of enrollment, the school district may never ask the family for the child or parents immigration documents, social security card or number; records from a child welfare agency (other than to establish residency); or information relating to why a child is residing in the district or living with a particular person. Reviewers can be anyone who consults or hires a lawyer including in-house counsel, corporate executives, small business owners, and private individuals. If you and your co-parent cannot reach agreement about changing your child's school, your options are either to leave your child in their current school, or to go to court to request a modification of custody or permission to change schools. 0(X]C [ZhYg;dU v5|$^+tEQ{+y2z:7 Ql@ewV*:j[J6Fr!` &b(wl"g~d^$BEG"f)TC4G W Q . . 2000d et seq.42 U.S.C. Office of Elementary and Secondary Education It replaces the following BECs: Enrollment of Students, 24 P.S. If the disciplinary record or sworn statement indicates the student has been expelled from a school district in which he was previously enrolled, for reasons other than a weapons offense, it is recommended the school district review the student's prior performance and school record to determine the services and supports to be provided upon enrollment in the district. If a child should be in an honors class, make sure that he or she is. However, if a student is currently expelled for a weapons offense, the school district can provide the student with alternative education services during the period of expulsion (24 P.S. If there was no agreement, one of you would have to petition the Court and the court would then decide whigh school your child went to. Determining the residence of a child for purposes of school enrollment As mentioned, there are some schools that have better educational opportunities or they may have a specialized program you want your child to participate in. The school district may ask for other information for administrative purposes or to assist with the education of the child, but the school district cannot delay or deny the students enrollment until that information is provided. Can any charges be filed? y_8 lSQ&_yS+lo6ZTIb1:ze% =;#^Gy,>ig j1AB %;n4 M=)!`Vh")e[# If you have a custody order, the school district must admit the child to school. 05-503 Admission to Kindergarten and Beginners. There are many documents that can be used to show your child's age, including: Passport. We provide general wellness related information. - PDF Brochure. 771 et seq. A school district may not deny or delay a childs school enrollment based on the information contained in a disciplinary record or sworn statement. What do I do now? You should review the court order about custody with an experienced family law attorney to be clear on your rights and remedies. "Mdv x>c&YWE>jh. the care of a minor child may enroll their grandchild, without court approval, in . (2)Transportation for students must be provided consistent with the policy of the school district that the students are attending. There is a form called "Custodial Statement and Agreement: Third-Party Custody." Date of Issue: July, 1, 2022 (revised formerly BEC 24 P.S. As part of the review process, respondents must affirm that they have had an initial consultation, are currently a client or have been a client of the lawyer or law firm identified, although Martindale-Hubbell cannot confirm the lawyer/client relationship as it is often confidential. School districts should be flexible in the documents required and should consider what information is reasonable in light of the familys situation. 13-1302. Falling within this definition are students who have run away from home, been thrown out of their home, or been abandoned or separated from their parents or guardians. If an individual who is acting as guardian or temporary guardian encounters difficulties in school enrollment, this person can and should consider his or her allies. When the parents reside in different school districts due to separation, divorce or other reason, the child may attend school in the district of residence of the parent with whom the child lives for a majority of the time, unless a court order or court approved custody agreement specifies otherwise. Regular meetings between counselors and guardians can provide a good overview of how a child is doing academically and/or socially. ADMISSION TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Evidence that the child's parents are incarcerated and unable to care for the child. If you use a 1302 Form, the school cannot require you to show that you have a custody order. So that if the child is being raised by a family member or another care giver, the child becomes a legal resident of that area as soon as they move there. (c)Nonresident children. We are a not-for-profit corporation, and your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Are there any other enrollment requirements for a resident student? No statutes or acts will be found at this website. After you have filled out and signed the form, give it to the school where you want to enroll the child. 24 P.S. You will be taking over the duties and obligations the student's parent would normally have for school purposes only. The natural parent(s) or former guardian(s) of the student may not be required to provide information. If the school district does not comply with an order by the Department to enroll the student, the Department requests its legal office for assistance in obtaining compliance. Ensure access to education for all eligible children (including those 0-5 and 18-21); Maintain updated school records in a family/child's case record; Address concerns related to truancy and habitual truancy; Assess educational strengths and needs; Arrange and/or advocate for services to address educational needs such as tutoring, special . See the paragraph on Homeless Students for guidance in that situation. Each district will have administrators whose job is to assist with enrollment. 7348 (November 26, 2022). 13-1317.2(e.1)). Factors a school should consider include: 1) whether the incident causing the adjudication occurred at school or at a school-sponsored event, 2) the youths behavior in placement, and 3) the recommendations of teachers and other adults, such as juvenile probation officers who have worked with the youth. The government does its best to ensure that those children who need specialized education, which is not available in every school district, are able to access it without forcing parents to move. Access the required survey at: Home Language Survey. 13-1304-A). The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) revised its Student Enrollment policy and procedure in accordance with recent changes in federal and state law. If the child is living with you because the custodial parent is unable or unwilling to care for the child, you should be able to enroll the child in your district without a court order of custody or guardianship. 22 Pa. Code, Chapter 11. It is helpful to recognize that school administrators are eager to work with those who are working on behalf of children whose lives have been affected by the temporary absence of their Solo Mom (and, indeed, only parent). If your child has special education needs or a school has a really specialized program then you may be able to apply for special consideration. Each school district and charter school must adopt a written policy on student admission; which policy shall be a public record (22 Pa Code 11.41). Where the child goes to school is supposed to be a joint decision, not a unilateral one. Educational agencies shall ensure that each child of a homeless individual and each homeless youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as provided to other children and youth. The Department recommends that school district and charter school admission policies and procedures be posted on the entity's website. In addition, before accepting the child as a student, the district shall require the resident to file only one of the following: A sworn and notarized statement from the resident of the school district consistent with the requirements of 24 P.S. Early intervention for emergent issues is always a better alternative to waiting for resolution, especially in cases in which a child is coping with stress associated with the absence of his or her Solo Mom/only parent. Education for Homeless Youth, BEC 24 P.S. Attorneys that receive reviews from their peers, but not a sufficient number to establish a Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating, will have those reviews display on our websites. A school district or charter school may not, however, require a custody order or agreement as a condition of enrollment in any circumstances other than the two circumstances specified above. 11431 et seq. Medical records from doctors or hospitals, showing that you are the person responsible for paying the bills of the child. In addition, a school district may not require that a physical examination be conducted as a condition of enrollment. If you can prove to the school that the child has been living with you, that you have been providing for the child's needs, and that you do not have the child in your household simply to allow the child to attend school in your district, the school should not require legal proof of custody. This article also assumes that the biological father is not in the picture and is unable to provide any assistance in enrollment. Unaccompanied homeless youth includes any child who is "not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian." For a non-resident child living with a resident, one of the following must occur: 1) the resident must show that he or she has custody, or 2) the resident must be given the opportunity to file a sworn statement (and sometimes provide additional proof) of the following: This is based on Section 1302 of the School Code. Proof of Residency: Acceptable documents to establish residency include a deed, a lease, utility bills, vehicle registration, drivers license or Dept. 104.73 KB. (1) A school age child is entitled to attend the public schools of the child's district of residence. Homeless students may reside in shelters, hotels, motels, cars, tents or be temporarily doubled-up with a resident family because of lack of housing. ), she will need people to step in on her behalf. School districts and charter schools were requested to publish enrollment policies and procedures which conform to the new BEC on their websites. A district may require that more than one form of residency confirmation be provided. See BEC 24 P.S. Notwithstanding receipt of any of the above payments, children living in pre-adoptive situations are considered residents of the school district in which their pre-adoptive parents reside under 24 P.S. The law affords the parents the opportunity to appeal that denial. It is not improper for a parent to register a child for school to preserve the spot, prior to obtaining the consent of the other parent or seeking court permission. Tara Shafer is the cofounder of Reconceiving Loss, an online resource center for families coping with pregnancy and infant loss. No statutes or acts will be found at this website. Consult with an attorney in your area. This entitlement and the requirements to secure enrollment discussed throughout this BEC apply equally to resident students residing with their parent(s); to non-resident students living with a district resident who is supporting the child gratis and seeking enrollment under 24 P.S. (1)A school age child is entitled to attend the public schools of the childs district of residence. What about children who are awaiting placement in foster care? If a student is under age 21 and has a Graduation Equivalency Diploma (GED), the student can enroll in school and work towards a diploma. A school district or charter school shall normally enroll a child the next business day, but no later than 5 business days of application. If you decide, in a couple years, that you want to move or buy a new house then they may be able to transfer and you can get them into the school you want. Can a non custodial parent enroll a child in school without the permission of the custodial parent? You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. The Pennsylvania Code website reflects the Pennsylvania Code I am not the parent of a child who is living with me. Procedures for this will vary from state to state, and finding an advocate within the family court system is advisable. If you are trying to change the child's school, you must refer to your court orders to see if you need the father's or court's permission to do that. Enrollment of these students follows the same requirements as resident students of the school district. FI +=G>yKDSxSCr`"LR? Provided that the required enrollment documentation described herein is provided, the school district or charter school must enroll non-resident children and permit them to attend school. This panel will go through about 10% of applications to try and identify anyone who has given a false address. You will use Form 1, "Custodial Statement and Agreement: Divorce, Separation, or Abandonment.". A child's district of residence is that in which the parents or the guardian resides. The other exception is when parents are separated or divorced and the parent is relying on a court order or custody agreement as the basis for enrolling the child. The school will have the right to ask you questions to make sure you meet the conditions set out in the form. A school district may request verification that the child is residing with a foster parent or is in a pre-adoptive or adoptive home in the form of a letter from the appropriate agency, but the district cannot require a court order or agency records. The government has taken some steps to help care givers who are raising children without a legal agreement or custody arrangement in place. Once the age requirement is established, districts cannot refuse admission to a child who meets the age requirement. 170342 U.S.C. If you are the sole legal custodian, then only you can enroll your child in school. 13-1306 Nonresident Students in Institutions. If you have issues with enrolling a child in school without custody, we at the Law Offices of Albert Goodwin are here for you. Like any other student being transferred to an alternative education program, students returning from a delinquency placement are entitled to an informal hearing prior to being placed in an alternative education program. Your requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis, and the outcome could be based on individual circumstances. 2000d et seq. Espaol.pdf. Appropriate legal documentation to show dependency or guardianship, which may include a custody order. Under this provision, a child can attend a school in the district that the child is a resident of. This rating indicates the attorney is widely respected by their peers for high professional achievement and ethical standards. Any information shared here is not medical advice. It is advisable to schedule an appointment with a guidance counselor. You should not need to get a legal guardianship through a court to get the child enrolled as long as you meet the requirements listed above and have filled out the form. When necessary, local school officials should consult with their county children and youth services agencies to determine if a child meets the definition of awaiting foster care placement. A student in the physical or legal custody of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) or the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), or a child . confidential relationship is or should be formed by use of the site. This article is intended to cut through some of the red tape and break it down for a grandparent or someone who is involved with the child but not wholly familiar with school-enrollment requirements. and 22 Pa. Code Chapter 14 and 22 Pa. Code Chapter 16. Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions. Can I enroll the child in the school district where I live? This is not always going to be easy, as sometimes houses in the most desirable school districts are much more expensive and hard to get they almost never go up for sale. Children have a right to attend school, and it is absolutely in their best interest that they do so. . 13-1302 24 P.S 13-1302(a)(1) 24 P.S. The government has taken some steps to help care givers who are raising children without a legal agreement or custody arrangement in place. Whenever a pupil transfers to another Pennsylvania school entity or nonpublic school, a certified copy of the student's disciplinary record shall be transmitted to the school entity or nonpublic school to which the pupil has transferred. Children living with adoptive parents are entitled to all free school privileges accorded to resident school children of the district under 24 P.S. Are there other circumstances when a student may enroll herself in school? What can a school district ask the person enrolling a child to prove in order to enroll a resident student? |th^x86 NWP~Uf EHC v}(M*Dw?HbwKo,n See BEC 24 P.S. Once temporary guardianship has been accomplished, find out what you can about local regulations and procedures for school enrollment, as these will also vary from state to state. Like any other student being transferred to an alternative school, students returning from delinquency placement are entitled to an informal hearing prior to being placed in an alternative education program. Consult a lawyer. Attachment. A district may not require a physical or dental examination or a health or mental health history as a condition of enrollment. Enrollment cannot be delayed for any other reason, including a failure to provide prior school records or special education documents, or a schools difficulty in determining a childs placement. A resident student is a student who lives with his or her parent(s) in the school district. (e)Home language survey. When in doubt as to the law or regulation, please consult the BEC, Chapter 11 Student Attendance Regulation and the PA Public School Code. This is their legal address and school districts shall not require additional information about their residence. A child may be enrolled by a parent, foster parent, caseworker, caregiver with whom the child resides, or any other person with charge or control of the child. School districts shall enroll students within 5 business days regardless of receipt of records from the previous districts (22 Pa. Code 11.11(b)). These extended groups may include parents, ex-in-laws, friends, etc. endstream endobj 196 0 obj <>stream Email: The catch to this law is that the caregiver has to sign an affidavit under a penalty of perjury that they are the primary caregiver of the child and that the child lives with them the majority of the time. What if a child is living with me only so he can go to school in my district? Enrolling a Child in School When You are not the Child's Custodial Parent - ILS Topics Family Issues Child Custody Enrolling a Child in School When You are not the Child's Custodial Parent Incomplete request. In Philadelphia County, it costs $107.13 to file for custody. Copyright 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether the student is currently fit to return to the regular classroom, or meets the definition of a disruptive student. The order states that upon starting school, Father will pick Child up from school on Thursdays and drop Child off to school on Monday mornings. If the child is doing especially well, that, too, is worth noting. How do I enroll the child in my district? Documents that can prove these factors include: Proof of Age: Examples are a childs birth certificate or passport, baptismal certificate, a legal statement by a parent or prior school records. The basic requirements of proof of age, immunization, residence, discipline statement and the Home Language Survey apply. If a child is behaving in a negative way or acting out, it is helpful for the teacher to understand why this is so. If it is determined to be in the child's best interest, the child has the right to remain in the school or origin during the pendency of their time in foster care. The provisions of this 11.11 amended under section 1317(a) of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. and the BEC 42 U.S.C. Must a school district enroll a child within a certain time period? See 62 P.S. The good news is that many states do not require a care giver (like a grandparent) to have legal custody of the child to enroll in the school in the area. This will give them the knowledge to respond appropriately to any behavioral and/or academic issueseither challenging or especially excellent. 1302(a)(1) which requires "appropriate legal documentation to show dependency or guardianship." Mandatory policies. If you have a medical issue or concern, please consult with your doctor or medical practitioner. The information provided on this site is not legal 11.11. A district may require that more than one form of residency confirmation be provided. You can use this form if: You also must have proof of your residence in the school district, a copy of the child's birth certificate, and the child's immunization records. 05-503 Admission to Kindergarten and Beginners, Frequently asked enrollment questions and answers, Professional Standards and Practices Commission. Meet other Solo Moms who are raising their grandchildren or relatives in our confidential community of Sisters. There are some states where specialized circumstances have allowed for parents to easily enroll their child into a school outside their area. District and charter school admission policies and procedures be posted on the entity 's.... Unless there are other reasons for not enrolling the child, an resource... Parent would normally have for school purposes only Abandonment. enrolling a child in school without custody pennsylvania to step in on her.. 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