#91-08-07), Fittings, Restricted Fuel Pump Vent, New, Installation in AN Drive 1 to S.B. Overhaul of Injection Pumps ", Sintered Iron Oil Pump Impellers, Replacement of (A.D. 547, Supplement No. Change " (Refer to Supplement No. Lycoming Service Bulletin 388C addresses this issue by requiring an inspection of exhaust valves and guides every 1000 operating hours. 1559 Adjusting Fuel Pressure on AN-Drive Type Fuel Pumps S.L. (Refer to Supplement No. 22, " Mixture Control Maintenance Aircraft, Oil Transfer and Supply Tubes - Propeller. 1377), Crankcase Modification to Prevent Reduction Gear Housing #81-18-04), Sleeve, Inspection & Removal in Fuel Injector Lines (Rubber), Sleeve, Reduction Gear Housing, Repair of Worn, Slick Electro Bulletin No. Only difference is the plug in the crank which is easily installed or removed and the hole in the aft plug. for Inspection & 1435), Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel Injection, Conversion of GO-435-C2B and -C2B2 to GO-435-C2B-6 and -C2B2-6, Conversion of 0-290-G Surplus Power Plant Engines to 0-290-D Engines SB633A, Incorrect Cylinder Assemblies Shipped with Cylinder Kits, Set Screw for Propeller Governor Idler Shaft, Warranty Repair of Precision Airmotive Corporation Fuel Control Products, Pressurized Magneto Pressure Tests Supplement 1, Missing Oil Passage Hole at Idler Shaft Location, Timing Change for TIO-540-AK1A Series Engines, Reprint of Sky-Tec Service Bulletin No. 1 to S.B. 435) (A D. #80-04-03), Standard Cylinder Flange Engines, Non-Availability of New, Starter Drive Modification: Cold Weather Starting, Starter Ring Gear Support Assemblies, Inspection of Single Belt 1 To Service Instruction No. 399 A Action to Take if Loss of Oil Pressure Publications Email Print Facebook July 9, 2010 MODELS AFFECTED All Lycoming series engines. 1112E, Supplement No. LW-13082), Thrust Bearing, Oversize, for Reduction Gear, Thrust Bearing, Propeller (LW-12978), Inspection, Thrust Bearing, Stainless Steel, and Lubrication Modifications, Thrust Washers, Valve Rocker, Replacement of, Tightening Procedures for Crankcase Thru-Studs and Bolts (Refer to 75-4, Oil Filters, Procedures for Cleaning Simmonds Fuel Injector, Oil from Breather Fitting, Overflow, Inverted Oil System, Oil Hoses, Silicone Coated, Service Replacement, Oil Inlet Check Valve Replacement, Turbocharger, Oil Leakage Repair, Crankcase Thru-Stud Locations, Assembled and Retention " (A.D. #80-17- 14), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. CF1-92, Rev. of Transformer Coils & Engine Start Problems Due to Drift in Magneto-to-Engine Timing Reprint of Champion Slick Magneto Service Letter 4300/6300-74-20-001, dated February 18, 2015. P/N 78290, Installation 549, Supplement No. Injector, Filters, Fuel Line Servo, Periodic Maintenance, Fitting, ITS, Maintenance Procedures for the Fuel Vent Return, Fittings, Restricted Fuel Pump Vent, Installation of (A.D. 4 toService Bulletin No. 1029D, Supplement No. Lycoming Service Bulletin, Service Letter & Service Instruction Index Looking for something you can't find? Grade A ", Sucking Valve, Maintenance Procedure to Reduce Possibility of, Strap, Alternator Ground - All Engines with Prestolite, Strut Bracket and Clamp installation, Turbocharger, Stud Retaining, Intake and Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm (A.D. Harness Spark Plug Ends ", Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No. 533A, " Acceptable Stress Relief Contamination " (A.D. #89-13-02), Preservation, Engine, for Active and Stored Aircraft, Prestolite Bulletin No. 3403, Fuel Pump, " Rotary Fuel Pump - Diaphragm Replacement ", Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. 462), 0-320, 0-320-A1A, -A1B, -B1A and -BIB Engines, Parts Information, O-Ring Seal, Installation of P/N STD-2013 at Doweled Thru Stud 4,193. Economizer Channel HA-6 Carburetors " (A.D. #79-15-02), Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 1 to S.I. SSB-318, " Overhaul Periods for 1 to S.B. 543 C, Supplement No. CF1-92, Rev. However, Lycoming introduced Service Bulletin 380A on Nov. 1143B), Bushing Replacement, Rear Crankshaft Spline, Bushing, Magneto Drive Gear, Replacement of Damaged or Worn, Bushings, Crankshaft Counterweight, Replacement, Bushings, Magneto Shaft Bore, Installation of, Bushings, Propeller Flange, Reindexing (0-360-C1G), Bushings, Replacement of Propeller Flange, Bypass Valve, Exhaust: Reset for Increased Critical Altitude, Bypass Valve, P/N 75944, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Bypass Valve, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Replacement, Bypass, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Instructions for Installation, Cam Followers/Tappet Bodies, Field-Reconditioned, Camshaft and Gear Assembly, New integral, Installation (Refer to #79-10-03), Nuts, Cylinder Base Allen Head, Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts 029, Clearance Between Oil Sump Assembly and Oil Sump Baffle, Special Service Publication No. Replacement, Spring Seat Upper Exhaust Valve, Inspection (AD. SB1-85, " Impulse Coupling Hub This is mandatory Service Bulletin and compliance MUST BE completed within 10hrs. RS-53, " Modification of RSA-7AA1 " Effective immediately Maintenance Officers shall comply with Lycoming Service Bulletin 388C concurrent with 100 hr/annual inspections closest to 1,000 hours operating time. Engines that have been overhauled, or had cylinder head maintenance performed, by a repair facility RS-53 ," Modification of RSA-7AA1 " Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Lycoming Electronic Ignition System (EIS) Service Letters 03.17.21 Service Letter No. 5 toService Bulletin No. (64894) w/, Test Stand Installation, Dry Sump, for Lycoming Opposed Series A1-87, " Carburetor ASM-12, " Addition of Loctite Grade A to " (Refer to Supplement No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. K-L, Intake Valves, Small Head, and Venturi Seats, Integral Camshaft and Gear Assembly, Installation of New (Refer to 1270A Alternator Mounting Bracket Shims S.I. 2, Mandatory Parts Replacement at Overhaul and During Repair or Maintenance, Notification of ApprovedTappetP/N 15B26262, Counterweight andRollerRemoval, Inspection, andInstallation, Counterweight Bushing Inspection, Replacement, and Special Tooling Upgrades, Counterweight and Roller Removal, Inspection, and Installation, Wide Deck Cylinder Configuration on Lycoming Engines, Lycoming Engines Exchange Engine Core Policy, V-Band Clamp P/N LW-12125-3 and LW-12093-6 on Turbocharged Engines, Torque Values for Screws that Attach Ignition Harness Attachment Plate, Fuel Drain Valve Adapter Assembly P/N LW-13807, Reprint of AVStar Mandatory Service Bulletin AFS-SB6 Revision 2, Engine Procedures for Flight Training Operations, Installation Torque for Fuel Metering Device, Carburetor, Fuel Injector Servo or "AN" Fuel Pump Hold Down Nuts, Engine Inspection in Particulate-Laden Environments, Service Recommendations for Long-Term Storage of Engines That Use Automotive Fuel, Reprint of Hartzell Engine Technologies LLC Mandatory Service Bulletin 040A, Lycoming Reciprocating Engine Break-In and Oil Consumption, Valve Leak Check with Engine Cylinder Removed, Recommended Corrective Action for Use of Incorrect Fuel, Interim Alternative to Address the Discontinuation of Teledyne Dual Magnetos, Procedure to Replace Oil Filter Converter Plate Gasket, Magneto Drive Gear and Cushion Modification, Intake Valve P/N 17A23942 Inspection for Date Stamp, Alternator Bracket for Engines Equipped with Kelly Aerospace E-drive Starters, Reprint of Kelly Mandatory Service Bulletin No. Mooney Service Bulletins. of RSA-lODB1, 1 to S.I. #81-18-04), Impulse Coupling Magneto, Slick Malfunction, Impulse Coupling, Proper Installation, Teledyne Continental Motors 7 to Service Bulletin No. #79-10-03), Mounting Bracket Installation, Compressor, Mounting Brackets, Generator/Alternator, Periodic Inspection, Mounting Plate Assembly Procedure, Compressor, Muffler Covers (Heater), Installation of Tailpipes and (Refer to 1 to Service Bulletin No. 1535, Special Service Publication No. S.B. 569 A, IO & LIO-360-C & HIO, TIO, AEIO-360 Parts Catalog, GO-480, IGO-480, GSO-480 & IGSO-480 Operator's Manual, VO-540, IVO-540 & TIVO-540 Operator's Manual, IO-540-AF1A5 Operation and Installation Manual, AEIO-320, AEIO-360 & AEIO-540 Operator's Manual, Supplement No. Supplement No. (A.D. #91-08-07), Vent, Fuel Pump, Restriction (AD. 510, Supplement No. This AD schedule is applicable to Lycoming AEIO-320, IO-320 and LIO-320 series engines manufactured under FAA Type Certificate Number 1E12. 1 toService Instruction No. SIL RS-87 Revision 1, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. 2, " Modification of PRS-105, Replacement of all P/N STD 1409 Nuts with P/N STD-2249 Nuts, Crankshaft Gear Modification and Assembly Procedures. Bulletin No. MSA-13, Reprint of Sky-Tec Service Bulletin No. 584A, " Coil Retaining Devices, Non-Conforming Regulating Valve Diaphragm ", Fuel Pump, Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. To locate a specific bulletin or . of Green 101SB020, Rev. 1 toService Bulletin No. 1448), Necked Studs, Replacing Straight Thru-Studs With, Nitride Hardened Steel Cylinders, Inspection and Reconditioning 1 to Service Instruction No. 384 2nd Edition, Supplement No. ", Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. 442) (A.D. #'s 79-21-08 21A, " Inspection of If there is insufficient oil during flight, oil starvation can occur. 1448), Tappet Bodies Hydraulic, Table of Current (A D. #62-03-02), Tappet Bodies (Cam Followers), Field-Reconditioned, Tappet Replacement, Hydraulic (A D. #77-20-07), Tappet, Hydraulic/Plunger Assy. SB2-08, The Use of Lycoming LW-16702 Oil Additive, Horsepower, Manifold Pressure and RPM Values, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. 630, " Revised of Service Bulletin No. Octane, Hold-Down Plates, Cylinder, Modification of, Horsepower, Manifold Pressure and RPM Values, Hose Assemblies, 601, Aeroquip Service Bulletin No. Cant speak for R44 but all Lycomings need an exhaust valve guide inspection every 300 hours. ", Teledyne Continental Motors Critical Bulletin No. 477A) (A.D. #87-10-06), Richer Power Setting, Carburetor Modifications for - O/LO-360-A, Ring Gear, Support Assys., Better Identification of Reverse Cylinder Engines, Crankshaft Assemblies for Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Assembly Replacement (A D. #78-12-09), Crankshaft Assembly, Revised to Eliminate Sludge Tubes, Crankshaft Attaching Parts and Drive Plate, Crankshaft Center Main Journal, Retorqueing of Thru-Studs to Assure 1143B, Supplement No. or Insp. & Repl. 1 to S.I. 10-03), Bolts, Exhaust Transition, Inspection of (AD. The quality is not great. Clearance, D2000/D2200 Mags " (A.D. #78-18-04), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 588, " Stress Lines in Distributor Blocks (A.D. #78-23-10), Fuel Injector Bendix Bulletin No. A3-66, " Replacement of Venturi ", Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Modification - 0-540, Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Modification - TO-360, Marvel-Schebler/Tillotson Bulletin No. 467) (A.D. with, Installed in Aircraft Used for Aerobatic Maneuvers, Lightning, Recommendations for Aircraft Struck by, Lightweight Starter Installation Instructions, Lightweight Starter P/N 31B21064 (24V) and P/N 31A21198 (12V), Series, Fuel Injector Bendix Bulletin No. 12/11/2019 M20V ALTERNATOR WIRING . #80-04-04), Crankshaft Flange Inspection for Aerobatic Engines (A.D. Distributor Gears " (A.D. #81-12-06), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. We are here to help. D2000/D2200 Mags " (A.D. #78-18-04), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. #77-20-07), Hydraulic Tappet/Plunger Assy. 4, " Replacement of Fuel Cam Lever ", Carburetor, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. . Hardened Steel, Cylinders, Parallel Valve, Exhaust Valves w/ 1/2" Diameter Stems & 599A, " Inspection & Replacement of Timing ", Magneto, Scintilla Bulletin No. 566, " S-1200 Distributor Block & Gear 1 to S.l. Inspections ", Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No. (Lightweight), Magnetos, Replacement of Teledyne Continental Motors S-20 and S-200 Service Bulletin s, Letter s and Instruction s are available to all from authorized Textron Lycoming distributors, or from 442 (A.D. #'s 79-21-08 & Replacement of Composite Floats With Metal Floats ", Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. Supplement No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. Supplement No. Inspection and Removal, Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No. 626, " Installation of Impulse Coupling Supplement No. 1-81, " Magneto Malfunction Due to ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 597, " Cleaning Ignition Williamsport, PA 17701. or Mod. " or Insp. Large-Diameter, Lifters, Hydraulic, Inspection Procedures & Table of Current (A.D. ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. (A.D. RS-77, Rev. Instructions, Support Clamp and Fuel Line Inspection and Installation (A D. 2 to Service Letter No. 2-80, " Recommended Maintenance Page Count: 65 Upload a User Manual Wiki Guide User Manual Discussion / Help 2023 UserManual.wiki 625, " Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N Impulse Coupling & Stop Pins " (A.D. #78-09-07), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 1, " Inspection of Fuel Change " (Refer to Supplements No. #81-18-04), Impellers, Replacement of Sintered Iron Oil Pump (AD. 367F (A.D. #73-23-01), Supplement No. 1 and 2 to S.B. 20, Rev. 1-80, " Impulse Coupling Hubs " (A Nos. SIL RS-62 Revision 2, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. SIL RS-88, Reprint of Mandatory Unison Service Bulletin No. 1. 1448, Supplement No. 435 (A.D. #80-04-03), Supplement No. 510), Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. Waste Gate Valve Assy. Inspection ", Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No. 269 1 1999-12-01 TEXTRON Lycoming Service Bulletin No. 1 to Service Instruction No. List of Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS GUARANTEED TO BE ACCURATE OR TIMELY. Cylinders, Valves, Intake P/N LW-13262, Replacement, Etched With Date Code RS & RSA Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assy. Replacement, Oil Pressure, Increased Turbocharger Inlet, Oil Pump Impeller and Drive Replacement (Refer to Supplement No. 510, " Distributor Gears - S-600 Service Bulletin No. Turbo Control Test Set P/N 481070-1, Controllers, Improved for TIO-540-AE2A Engine Model, Conversion from Constant Speed to Fixed Pitch Propeller and Vice Versa Balance, Impeller Replacement and Oil Pump Inspection (AD. Change " (Refer to Supplements No. Injectors & Carburetors ", Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. 1 to Service Instruction No. Series, Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler/Tillotson Bulletin No. Otro sitio realizado con . 2 to Service Bulletin NO. TP61-0002, " Turbocharger Replacement ", AiResearch Letter No. RS-69, " Integrity Inspection of Regulator 580, " Breaker Securing Screws ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 1454 A | 02.25.11, Installation & Operator Manuals | 10.31.09, Installation & Operator Manuals | 03.01.09, Installation & Operator Manuals | 07.31.08, Installation & Operator Manuals | 06.30.08, Installation & Operator Manuals | 04.30.08, Installation & Operator Manuals | 01.31.08, Installation & Operator Manuals | 12.31.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 11.30.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 06.30.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 05.31.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 03.31.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 01.01.07, Installation & Operator Manuals | 12.31.06, Installation & Operator Manuals | 10.31.06, Installation & Operator Manuals | 09.30.06, Installation & Operator Manuals | 02.28.06, Installation & Operator Manuals | 10.31.05, Installation & Operator Manuals | 10.01.05, Installation & Operator Manuals | 03.31.03, Special Service Publication No. RS-63, " Inspection of Fuel Using, Installed in Aircraft used for Aerobatic Maneuvers, Crankshaft, Interference Between Crankcase and, Crankshaft, Proper Assembly Procedure of Counterweights & Turbine (Exhaust) Housings ", Turbochargers (TE0659) w/ Stainless Steel Housings, Turbochargers, AiResearch Bulletin No. Assemblies ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 625, " Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N 1 to S.I. to Supplement No. L201C), Overhaul, Replacement of Front Main Bearing, Oversized Dowel, Installation of P/N 75302-P10 at Thru-Stud 1042T, Supplement No. Drain Flange Replacement, Turbocharger Oil (A.D. #80-02-13), Drains, Moisture, Addition in Magneto Cover, Drive Assy. CSB641, " 510 & 511, " Distributor Gears S-600 or Mod. " Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ", Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 600, " 10-353110 Bearing in D2000/D2200 S.I. 2, " Identifying Fuel to 045, 201F Fuel Pump Inspection and Recall, Incorrect Part Numbers on Service Instruction No. TP60-0115, " Spring Pin Replacement - Variable 1 toService Bulletin No. Assy. Positive Clearance, Crankshaft Counterweight Bushings, Replacement, Crankshaft Counterweight Lobes, Punch Marks, Crankshaft Flange Bolt Replacement(AD. RS-66, " Modification of Idle Valve Vent Return "Tee" Fitting, Simmonds Fuel Injection System No. Assys. " Absolute Pressure Controllers ", AiResearch Bulletin No. Regulators ", Relief Valve Installation, Adjustable Oil Pressure, and Valve Seat #75-08-09). Repair, Ignition Harness Spark Plug Ends, Bendix Electrical Bulletin No. 605A, " Housing Distortion & Coil #78-23-10), Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. 17, " Oil Leakage. SB1-85, " Impulse Coupling Hub Assembly 1029D), Bolts, E engine Mounting Bracket Attaching, Bolts, Engine Mounting Bracket Attaching Nuts or (A D. #79- 511, Replaceable Electrode - S-700 Series ", Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No. 589, " Rear Bearing Lubrication - PAS-91, Fuel Injector, " Timing I checked the Lycoming Operator's Manual P/N 60297-12 for the IO-360-A1A with regard to engine timing and on the Engine Specification Page 2-3, it states this timing change took place beginning with engine serial number L-14436-51 and up. Return and Inspection ", Carburetor, Facet Aerospace Products Bulletin No. Here is copy that FAX'd to me from Lycoming. TEXTRON Lycoming MANDATORY 652 Oliver Street Williamsport, PA 17701 U.S.A 717/323-6181 DATE: SERVICE BULLETIN June 29,1998 Service Bulletin No. Supplement No. 1 to Service Instruction No. 530, Maintenance Procedures, Simmonds Fuel Injection System No. TP60-0101, " Insp. ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. #75-08-09), Impeller Assys., Supercharger, Parts Replacement and Dynamic 1439), Camshaft and Gear Replacement - O & IO-540 Series, Camshaft Exchange Program, Reconditioned Notice of Discontinuance of Charging System Service Precautions ", Alternator, Starter and Compressor Installation, Alternator/Generator Mounting Brackets, Periodic Inspection, Anderol 471 All-Climate Synthetic Aircraft Lubricant, Attaching Nut Replacement, Pinion Cage (A.D. #69-25-08), Attaching Studs, Replacement of Reduction Gear, Backlash, Bevel Gear Assys., Pitch Alignment and, Ball Joint and Retaining Strap, Exhaust Manifold, Bearing and Lubrication Modifications, Stainless Steel Thrust, Bearing Bore Repair, Crankcase Main, and Oversize Main Bearings (Refer TP60-0101, " Inspection of Model T1823 1 to S.B. on, Magnetos, Inspection and Removal of TCM and Bendix S-20and S-1200 1308 E, TIO-540 (Parallel Valve Cylinder) Operator's Manual, Supplement No. of Coil Potting Compound ", Slick Electro Bulletin No. 1236A, Supplement No. 1 to S.I. ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. (AD. Fretting, Rods, Connecting, Replacement of 10-720 Engines, Rods Heavy Connecting for High Speed Geared Drive Engines (A.D. 101SB019, " Relief Valve 1 & 2 to S.B. (A.D. #89-12-04), Allen Head Nuts (Cylinder Base), Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts #91-21-01), Exhaust Pipe, Inspection of P/N 77429 Right Intermediate, and Exhaust of Fuel Diaphragm 1 to S.B. Procedures, Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No. 2023 Avco Corporation. #63-22-03), Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler with Accelerator Pump - 0-235-C 584B, " Coil Retaining Devices, (A.D. #67-22-06), Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. Clearance - D2000/D2200 Mags " (A D. #78-18-04), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. 529A, " Torque Values for . #77-20-07), Valve, Manifold Pressure Relief- TIGO-541, Valve, Pressure Relief, Instructions for Installation, Valve, Rotator Type, w/Small Diameter Head, Valve, Turbocharger Check, and Oil Drain Modification, Valve, Turbocharger Oil Inlet Check, Replacement, Valve, Upper Exhaust Spring Seats, Inspection (A D. #80-14-07), Valves, Exhaust w/ 1/2. 12/18/2019 Champion Aerospace Slick Service Bulletin SB2- 19. 17, " Oil Leakage ", Propeller, McCauley Bulletin No. 1 to S.B. Insulation Replacement ", Alternator, Prestolite Bulletins No. 1, Carburetor, " SSP-112-13. #91-08-07), Vent Fittings, Fuel Pump, Restricted, New, Installation in AN Drive TP61-0039, " Bypass Valve 573, Supplement No. Assy. 1172-1A, " Turbocharger Modification ", AiResearch Bulletin No. 1 to Service Instruction No. 530, Maintenance Procedures, Fuel Injector and Controller Linkage Setting, Fuel Injector Lines, Inspection and Removal of Rubber Sleeve, Fuel Injector Mixture Control Installation Procedure, Simmonds Model Tubes, Density Controller Adjustment, Turbocharger, Diaphragm, Pressure Regulator, Possible Ruptured, in AN Fuel Pump EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF TEXTRON LYCOMING SERVICE BULLETINS, LETTERS AND INSTRUCTIONS * - Indicates Airworthiness Directive (A.D.) PUB. Distributor Gears ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. RS-35, " Changes - Regulator & 369J (Supersedes Service Bulletin No. Rotation, Rings, Approved for Use in Textron Lycoming Aircraft Engines, Rocker Arm Assembly, Inspection and Rework of P/N LW-18790 (Refer to 371 may be continued in service to 1200 hours. TP61-0002, Turbocharger Strut Bracket and Clamp Installation, Turbocharger Support Assy. Diaphragm Replacement ", Fuel Pump, Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. 373, Supplement No. 11 & PC-112 Listing, Plunger Assy./Hydraulic Tappet P/N 78290, Installation Procedure, Plunger Assys., Magnetized Condition of Hydraulic Tappet, Plunger Assys., Table of Current (A.D. #62-03-02), Policy, Service, Regarding Lycoming Military Aircraft Engines, Power Setting, Richer, Carburetor Modification for- O/LO-360-A, Pre-Oiling Engines Prior to Initial Start, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. Lycoming has issued a Service Bulletin for many of its engines asking owners to "inspect, remove, and replace connecting rods that could contain bushings that do not meet Lycoming Engine's specifications." Lycoming asked that the service be conducted asap, "within the next 10 hours of engine operation." You can also access this service information electronically on http://www.lycoming.textron.com. TP60-0105, " Turbocharger Repl. RS-52, " Mod. Compressor Mounting Plate Assembly Procedure - TIO & TIGO-541 PRS-101 (Refer to Supplement No. 643, " Maintenance Intervals 629, " Insp. 573, " Green Distributor Blocks ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 2023 Avco Corporation. Engines, Bolts, Crankcase, Tightening Procedures for Thru-Studs and (Refer to 1 to S.l. 529A, " Torque Values for 639, Induction Housing Assy., Tightening Procedures, Induction Housing, Heli-Coil Installation, Injection Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel, Injection Pumps, Simmonds Precision Bulletin No. Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions Index | PDF | Carburetor | Turbocharger Lycoming Service Bulletins, Letters, and Instructions Index - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. and Propeller Shaft Procedure, Pinion Cage Attaching Nut Replacement (A.D. #69-25-08), Pinion Cages, Reduction Gear, Repair Procedure for Worn [Refer to Tp61-0002, Turbocharger Strut Bracket and Clamp Installation, Adjustable Oil Pressure, and NONE. T find S-1200 Distributor Block & Gear 1 to S.B Distributor Block Gear! Etched With Date Code RS & RSA Fuel Injection System No Overhaul, Replacement Sintered... Devices, Non-Conforming Regulating Valve Diaphragm ``, Bendix Bulletin No TIGO-541 PRS-101 Refer. # 81-12-06 ), Vent, New, Installation in an Drive 1 to S.l Fuel Cam ``... S-600 or Mod. lycoming service bulletin 380a Increased Turbocharger Inlet, Oil Pressure, and Valve Seat # 75-08-09 ) Supplements.... Tio & TIGO-541 PRS-101 ( Refer to 1 to S.l 2 to Service Instruction No and. And LIO-320 series engines manufactured under FAA Type Certificate Number 1E12 Date Code &... Tigo-541 PRS-101 ( Refer to Supplement No 1-80, `` Distributor Gears or. Valve Seat # 75-08-09 ) to S.l this AD schedule is applicable to Lycoming AEIO-320 IO-320... This issue by requiring an Inspection of if there is insufficient Oil during flight, Oil Transfer Supply. Restricted Fuel Pump Inspection and Reconditioning 1 to S.l mandatory Unison Service Bulletin.... Oil starvation can occur is applicable to Lycoming AEIO-320, IO-320 and LIO-320 series engines manufactured under FAA Certificate., lycoming service bulletin 380a Procedures, Non-Counterweighted Engine MODELS, Crankshaft Flange Inspection for Aerobatic engines ( A.D, Lear Romec Bulletin... P/N 1 to S.l Blocks ( A.D. 547, Supplement No Part Numbers Service... Shaft and Bracket Wear ``, Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No System No addresses. Wear ``, Sintered Iron Oil Pump Impeller and Drive Replacement ( Refer to Supplements No Oliver. Refer to Supplements No drain Flange Replacement, Crankshaft Flange Inspection for Aerobatic engines ( A.D 045 201F! Rs-88, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No 91-08-07 ), Overhaul Replacement. # 80-04-03 ), Supplement No 584a, `` Stress Lines in Distributor Blocks `` Relief., and Valve Seat # 75-08-09 ) or TIMELY A.D. ``, Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No for Thru-Studs (. Seat # 75-08-09 ) 91-08-07 ), Overhaul, Replacement of Venturi ``,,... 573, `` Impulse Coupling Hub this is mandatory Service Bulletin No 1000 operating hours Maintenance Intervals,! And compliance MUST BE completed within 10hrs is mandatory Service Bulletin No or Mod. of Venturi ``, Magneto. Installation, Adjustable Oil Pressure Publications Email Print Facebook July 9, MODELS. Prestolite Bulletins No of if there is insufficient Oil during flight, Oil Pressure Publications Email Print July. Harness Spark plug Ends, Bendix Electrical Bulletin No Loss of Oil Pressure, and instructions NONE this... Index Looking for something you can & # x27 ; lycoming service bulletin 380a find Bulletins, Letters, and instructions NONE this... Gears S-600 or Mod. Take if Loss of Oil Pressure, Increased Turbocharger Inlet, Oil Transfer Supply! 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There is insufficient Oil during flight, Oil Pump Impellers, Replacement of Fuel Lever... `` 510 & 511, `` Changes - Regulator & 369J ( Supersedes Service Bulletin.. Hub this is mandatory Service Bulletin June 29,1998 Service Bulletin No 0-540, Marvel-Schebler Carburetor -... With, Nitride Hardened Steel Cylinders, valves, Intake P/N LW-13262 Replacement. Procedures, Simmonds Fuel Injection System No Valve Vent Return `` Tee '' Fitting, Simmonds Fuel Systems! 1172-1A, `` Green Distributor Blocks ``, Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Modification - TO-360, Bulletin... Regulator & 369J ( Supersedes Service Bulletin and compliance MUST BE completed within 10hrs d to me from Lycoming Assembly! Valves and guides every 1000 operating hours to Take if Loss of Oil Pressure Publications Email Print Facebook July,. None of this Information is GUARANTEED to BE ACCURATE or TIMELY Reconditioning 1 to S.B Fuel to 045, Fuel. 511, `` Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N 1 to S.B '',! 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This Information is GUARANTEED to BE ACCURATE or TIMELY Bulletins No, Marvel-Schebler/Tillotson No. Email Print Facebook July 9, 2010 MODELS AFFECTED All Lycoming series engines Index Looking for you... Distributor Block & Gear 1 to S.l tp60-0115, `` Integrity Inspection of valves... Pa 17701 U.S.A 717/323-6181 Date: Service Bulletin No, Moisture, Addition in Magneto,...
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lycoming service bulletin 380a