While it was recommended by some resources to define a deny all rule at the end of reginfo, secinfo ACL this is not necessary. Additional ACLs are discussed at this WIKI page. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Mglichkeit 2: Logging-basiertes Vorgehen Eine Alternative zum restriktiven Verfahren ist das Logging-basierte Vorgehen. The related program alias also known as TP Name is used to register a program at the RFC Gateway. The prxyinfo file is holding rules controlling which source systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to talk to which destination systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) over the current RFC Gateway. All other programs from host are not allowed to be registered. The syntax used in the reginfo, secinfo and prxyinfo changed over time. The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. However, the RFC Gateway would still be involved, and it would still be the process to enforce the security rules. Hufig ist man verpflichtet eine Migration durchzufhren. P TP=* USER=* USER-HOST=internal HOST=internal. For example: the system has the CI (hostname sapci) and two application instances (hostnames appsrv1 and appsrv2). From a technical perspective the RFC Gateway is a SAP kernel process (gwrd, gwrd.exe) running on OS level as user adm. In the gateway monitor (SMGW) choose Goto Logged On Clients , use the cursor to select the registered program, and choose Goto Logged On Clients Delete Client . To overcome this issue the RFC enabled program SAPXPG can be used as a wrapper to call any OS command. The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server Programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: SAP introduced an internal rule in the reginfo ACL to cover these cases: P TP=* HOST=internal,local ACCESS=internal,local CANCEL=internal,local. To control the cancellation of registered programs, a cancel list can be defined for each entry (same as for the ACCESS list). If USER-HOST is not specifed, the value * is accepted. The internal value for the host options (HOST and USER HOST) applies to all hosts in the SAP system. From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. This publication got considerable public attention as 10KBLAZE. In some cases any application server of the same system may also need to de-register a Registered Server Program, for example if the reginfo ACL was adjusted for the same Registered Server Program or if the remote server crashed. The other parts are not finished, yet. We can identify these use cases by going to transaction SMGW -> Goto -> Logged on Clients and looking for lines with System Type = Registered Server and Gateway Host = (in some cases this may be any other IP address or hostname of any application server of the same system). Obviously, if the server is unavailable, an error message appears, which might be better only just a warning, some entries in reginfo and logfile dev_rd shows (if the server is noch reachable), NiHLGetNodeAddr: to get 'NBDxxx' failed in 5006ms (tl=2000ms; MT; UC)*** ERROR => NiHLGetNodeAddr: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=-1) [nixxhl.cpp 284]*** ERROR => HOST=NBDxxx invalid argument in line 9 (NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [gwxxreg.c 2897]. If the called program is not an RFC enabled program (compiled with the SAP RFC library) the call will time out, but the program is still left running on the OS level! Wenn Sie die Queue fr eine andere Softwarekomponente bestimmen wollen, whlen Sie Neue Komponente. File reginfo controls the registration of external programs in the gateway. You can also control access to the registered programs and cancel registered programs. A rule defines. See note 1503858; {"serverDuration": 98, "requestCorrelationId": "593dd4c7b9276d03"}, How to troubleshoot RFC Gateway security settings (reg_info and sec_info). Wir haben dazu einen Generator entwickelt, der bei der Erstellung der Dateien untersttzt. Sobald dieses Recht vergeben wurde, taucht die Registerkarte auch auf der CMC-Startseite wieder auf. Here, activating Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period (e.g. Bei diesem Vorgehen werden jedoch whrend der Erstellungsphase keine gewollten Verbindungen blockiert, wodurch ein unterbrechungsfreier Betrieb des Systems gewhrleistet ist. (any helpful wiki is very welcome, many thanks toIsaias Freitas). The keyword local will be substituted at evaluation time by a list of IP addresses belonging to the host of the RFC Gateway. In other words, the SAP instance would run an operating system level command. For example: the RFC destination (transaction SM59) CALL_TP_ starts the tp program, which is used by the SAP Transport System (transaction STMS).Before jumping to the ACLs themselves, here are a few general tips: A general reginfo rule definition would be (note that the rule was split into multiple lines for explanation purposes, so it is more easily understood): Usually, ACCESS is a list with at least all SAP servers from this SAP system. The secinfo file would look like: The usage of the keyword local helps to copy the rule to all secinfo files, as it means the local server. This is required because the RFC Gateway copies the related rule to the memory area of the specific registration. Program cpict4 is allowed to be registered if it arrives from the host with address USER=hugo, USER-HOST=hw1234, HOST=hw1414, TP=prog: User hugo is authorized to run program prog on host hw1414, provided he or she has logged on to the gateway from host hw1234. There is a hardcoded implicit deny all rule which can be controlled by the parameter gw/sim_mode. Save ACL files and restart the system to activate the parameters. In einem Nicht-FCS-System (offizieller Auslieferungsstand) knnen Sie kein FCS Support Package einspielen. The name of the registered program will be TAXSYS. If there is a scenario where proxying is inevitable this should be covered then by a specific rule in the prxyinfo ACL of the proxying RFC Gateway, e.g.,: P SOURCE= DEST=internal,local. Viele Unternehmen kmpfen mit der Einfhrung und Benutzung von secinfo und reginfo Dateien fr die Absicherung von SAP RFC Gateways. Datenbankschicht: In der Datenbank, welche auf einem Datenbankserver liegt, werden alle Daten eines Unternehmens gesichert. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. You must keep precisely to the syntax of the files, which is described below. This means that the order of the rules is very important, especially when general definitions are being used (TP=*); Each instance should have its own security files, with their own rules, as the rules are applied by the RFC Gateway process of the local instance. Again when a remote server of a Registered Server Program is going to be shutdown due to maintenance it may de-register its program from the RFC Gateway to avoid errors. As i suspect it should have been registered from Reginfo file rather than OS. Make sure that they are set as per the Notes: Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info Note 1947412 - MDM Memory increase and RFC connection error Diese durchzuarbeiten und daraufhin Zugriffskontrolllisten zu erstellen, kann eine kaum zu bewltigende Aufgabe darstellen. Bei groen Systemlandschaften ist dieses Verfahren sehr aufwndig. Now 1 RFC has started failing for program not registered. For this reason, as an alternative you can work with syntax version 2, which complies with the route permission table of the SAProuter. With this rule applied any RFC enabled program on any of the servers covered by the keyword internal is able to register itself at the RFC Gateway independent from which user started the corresponding executable on OS level (again refer to 10KBLAZE). Despite this, system interfaces are often left out when securing IT systems. In an ideal world each program alias of the relevant Registered Server Programs would be listed in a separate rule, even for registering program aliases from one of the hosts of internal. This parameter will enable special settings that should be controlled in the configuration of reginfo file. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login . The format of the first line is #VERSION=2, all further lines are structured as follows: Here the line starting with P or D, followed by a space or a TAB, has the following meaning: P means that the program is permitted to be started (the same as a line with the old syntax). Hello Venkateshwar, thank you for your comment. If we do not have any scenarios which relay on this use-case we are should disable this functionality to prevent from misuse by setting profile parameter gw/rem_start = DISABLED otherwise we should consider to enforce the usage of SSH by setting gw/rem_start = SSH_SHELL. However, there is no need to define an explicit Deny all rule, as this is already implied (except in simulation mode). I think you have a typo. Beachten Sie, da Sie nur Support Packages auswhlen knnen, die zu der von Ihnen gewhlten Softwarekomponente gehren (der Mauszeiger ndert sein Aussehen entsprechend). Please make sure you have read at least part 1 of this series to be familiar with the basics of the RFC Gateway and the terms i use to describe things. An example would be Trex__ registered at the RFC Gateway of the SAP NW AS ABAP from the server running SAP TREX and consumed by the same AS ABAP as an RFC client. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. If the Simulation Mode is active (parameter gw/sim_mode = 1), the last implicit rule will be changed to Allow all. This ACL is applied on the ABAP layer and is maintained in table USERACLEXT, for example using transaction SM30. Examples of valid addresses are: Number (NO=): Number between 0 and 65535. The RFC Gateway does not perform any additional security checks. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment, Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security, Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg, Secure Server Communication in SAP Netweaver AS ABAP. Um diese Website nutzen zu knnen, aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript. In other words, the SAP instance would run an operating system level command. Giving more details is not possible, unfortunately, due to security reasons. If no access list is specified, the program can be used from any client. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. P SOURCE=* DEST=*. This publication got considerable public attention as 10KBLAZE. Please note: In most cases the registered program name differs from the actual name of the executable program on OS level. Check the above mentioned SAP documentation about the particular of each version; 4)It is possible to enable the RFC Gateway logging in order to reproduce the issue. Please note: SNC User ACL is not a feature of the RFC Gateway itself. Further information about this parameter is also available in the following link: RFC Gateway security settings - extra information regarding SAP note 1444282. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. TP=Foo NO=1, that is, only one program with the name foo is allowed to register, all further attempts to register a program with this name are rejected. The internal and local rules should be located at the bottom edge of the ACL files. The * character can be used as a generic specification (wild card) for any of the parameters. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Accesscould be restricted on the application level by the ACL file specified by profile parameter ms/acl_info. 3. In other words the host running the ABAP system differs from the host running the Registered Server Program, for example the SAP TREX server will register the program alias Trex__ at the RFC Gateway of an application server. Prior to the change in the reginfo and Secinfo the rfc was defined on THE dialogue instance and IT was running okay. Always document the changes in the ACL files. About item #3, the parameter "gw/reg_no_conn_info" does not disable any security checks. After an attack vector was published in the talk SAP Gateway to Heaven from Mathieu Geli and Dmitry Chastuhin at OPDCA 2019 Dubai (https://github.com/gelim/sap_ms) the RFC Gateway security is even more important than ever. Ausfhrliche Erluterungen zur Funktionsweise und zur Einstellung des Kollektors finden Sie in der SAP-Onlinehilfe sowie in den SAP-Hinweisen, die in Anhang E zusammengestellt sind. Its location is defined by parameter 'gw/reg_info'. Wechseln Sie dazu auf die gewnschte Registerkarte (im Beispiel ist das Universen), whlen Sie Verwalten --> Sicherheit auf oberster Ebene --> Alle Universen (je nach Registerkarte unterscheidet sich der letzte Punkt). Program cpict4 is allowed to be registered by any host. This would cause "odd behaviors" with regards to the particular RFC destination. The keyword internal means all servers that are part of this SAP system (in this case, the SolMan system). This rule is generated when gw/acl_mode = 1 is set but no custom reginfo was defined. Depending on the settings of the reginfo ACL a malicious user could also misuse this permissions to start a program which registers itself on the local RFC Gateway, e.g.,: Even if we learned starting a program using the RFC Gateway is an interactive task and the call will timeout if the program itself is not RFC enabled, for eample: the program still will be started and will be running on the OS level after this error was shown, and furthermore it could successfully register itself at the local RFC Gateway: There are also other scenarios imaginable in which no previous access along with critical permission in SAP would be necessary to execute commands via the RFC Gateway. . In order to figure out the reason that the RFC Gateway is not allowing the registered program, following some basics steps that should be managed during the creation of the rules: 1)The rules in the files are read by the RFC Gateway from the TOP to the BOTTOM hence it is important to check the previous rules in order to check if the specific problem does not fit some previously rule. Please note: SNC USER ACL is not a feature of the ACL file specified by profile ms/acl_info... Zum restriktiven Verfahren ist das Logging-basierte Vorgehen Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate (. Logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period ( e.g a at. Still be involved, and it was running okay Allow all process to enforce the rules... Is not possible, unfortunately, due to security reasons the specific registration reginfo secinfo! Internal and local rules should be controlled by the parameter reginfo and secinfo location in sap gw/reg_no_conn_info '' not. 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reginfo and secinfo location in sap