I worked at the Royal Ordnance factory (ROF) at Spennymoor. Royal Ordnance Factories were for explosives manufacture, filling of munitions and engineering. I was an Air Raid Warden which meant seeing my workmates into the air raid shelter safely and staying with them until the air raid was over after the all clear siren. Birmingham Metal and Munitions had ceased manufacture of ammunition by 1920. However, as always in industrial life, boom was followed by bust or near bust, and by 1879 miners wages were down to 4s 9d a day and those of ironworkers to a mere 3s a day. I remember Tudhoe Colliery being bombed. The later Mark 6 and 7 incendiary rounds could also be used in this role if required. Woolwich Arsenal, of which the Royal Laboratory was only a part, is situated in South East London on the River Thames. Cases were supplied by MJ, Ball Mk 7 (loaded into cases with BVI head stamp). Used the monogram 1942 to 1945. Byers Green and Kirk Merrington redeveloped. I listened to Vera Lynne and Tommy Handley who's catchphrase was 'Ta Ta for now (TTFN)'. FC Federal Cartridge Co, Anoka, Minn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This factory was part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plan. DWM Deutsche Waffen Und Munitionsfabrik, Karlsruhe, GERMANY. This cupro-nickle jacketed bullet, produced at the Dum Dum ammunition factory in India, had an exposed lead nose which gave rapid expansion on impact and therefore greater wounding effect when it hit a body. This page was last edited on 27 May 2022, at 11:53. Electric lighting for Spennymoor. 2001 Memorial to two Hurricane pilots killed in aircrash at Tudhoe in 1942 unveiled at York Hill Cemetery. We sometimes danced and had concerts given by our work mates. 2002 Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee, Parade of Golden Roses, Jubilee Park. The back streets stand deep in filth and mud. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges. .303 cartridges known to have been produced with the Blackpole headstamped cases from 1941 to 1945 are: Ball, Cordite Mk 7 Cartridge Rifle Grenade, Ballistite H Mk 1Z Dummy, U Mk 5 Incendiary, B Mk 6Z and B Mk 7Z Tracer, G Mks 2, 3 and 4 The headstamp code B denoting the manufacturer should not be confused with B as in BVIIZ which indicates incendiary ammunition. This round had a muzzle velocity of 1830 feet per second and a chamber pressure of about 19 tons per square inch. By this time we were given mugs of tea and corned beef sarnies. 1942 1942 1943 1944 Tikkakoski Arsenal - Finland Tikkakoski was the first private arms manufacturer in Finland. Production gap from Jan 1921 to March 1921 after the factory was leased to the Government Known to have produced during 1920-21 the .303 cartridges in: CP Crompton Parkinson Ltd, Guiseley, Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM, although filling took place at Doncaster (see below). This factory was also set up as part of the 1939-45 war emergency expansion plans. Population rises to 19,560. Later, Binchester became one of the vills of the Earl of Northumberland who held it until 1420 when it passed to the Nevilles who finally forfeited it with other lands in 1569. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: AE Arsenal do Ejercito, Lisbon, PORTUGAL. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: K or KYNOCH Kynoch & Co, Witton, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. Spennymoor was ringed with collieries, black furnaces and coke ovens and the new prosperity showed itself in the building of better houses and in the opening of Co-operative stores. 3. A Pretoria West Metal Pressings Pty., Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA. 1945 World War II ended. Although these were the only houses built before the war, they did provide some hope and allowed the clearance of some of the worst of the squalid areas. info@spennymoor-tc.gov.uk Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: GKB or K George Kynoch, Birmingham, UNITED KINGDOM. Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield Factory No 2. To see the Its largest division was ammunition followed by tanks and fighting vehicles, which had factories at Leeds and Nottingham[8]. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: W-W Winchester Western Division of Olin Industries, New Haven, Conn., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BLANCH J Blanch & Sons of Fenchurch St, London, UNITED KINGDOM. this was examining and weighing capsules to be used in Burma for killing mosquitoes and fleas. Royal Powder Mill Factory No 31. 1949 Bungalows built at Middlestone Moor. Spennymoor Settlement, opened in 1931 with a grant from the Pilgrim Trust, aimed to support the unemployed by encouraging : Tolerant neighbourliness and voluntary social service and {giving} its members opportunities for increasing their knowledge, widening their interests and cultivating their creative powers in a friendly atmosphere. 1942 Both pilots killed when two Hawker Hurricane aircraft collided and crashed at Tudhoe. We were then taken to the canteen for lunch, which consisted of battered spam and chips. 1920 Durham County Water Board provides water supply. 1916 Town Hall built at a cost of 18,000. Even by 1938 the situation had improved little. There was no production of .303 ammunition in 1961. A new 3-bedroom semi cost 3,375 to buy on private housing estate. 1928 Spennymoor Golf Club opened at North Close. Single lineRailway Bridge built over High Street. Tracer, armour piercing and incendiary cartridges were adopted by the British Government during 1915, explosive bullets having been approved for service in 1916. In addition to colour coding, British and Commonwealth .303 ammunition had a letter code pre 1955 to denote the type of bullet as well as the type of propellant charge. 1953 St Pauls Church damaged by fire. ROF Queniborough; Filling Factory No. Royal Arsenal Factory No 1. 2. This factory made and marked cases but filling was carried out at the Royal Ordnance Factory Swynnerton, Staffs. FN Fabrique National dArmes de Guerre, Herstal, BELGIUM. Yokosuka Naval Arsenal, JAPAN. We were introduced to several top men who told us our visit had been delayed due to various reasons, because of raids and moonlight. By the end of 1963 over 1,120 sub-standard houses had been cleared and as many new Council houses built for letting whilst over 400 houses had been improved by grant aid. WCC Western Cartridge Co., East Alton, Ill., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. D, DF, N or S Indian Government Ammunition Factory, Dum Dum, Calcutta, INDIA. 5. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: G..F3 or C..F3 Government Cartridge Factory No 3, Blackpole, Worcestershire, UNITED KINGDOM. Maintained by Sapere Software. Town wins Northumbria in Bloom (Town Section). Penny Rate Product 303. V.E.Day. The works then possessed the largest mill in Europe, capable of rolling plates up to 13 feet in width. British military contracts 1914 1917, Ball, Mk 7Z (Canadian Pattern). The comparative isolation of its moorland situation ended too with the opening of a branch railway from the mainline at Ferryhill in 1876. asked the Minister of War Transport (1) whether he will provide omnibus facilities to enable girls to travel from Ferryhill and Merrington to the Royal Ordnance factory at Spennymoor in time to commence work at 7.30 a.m., and an omnibus service back to Ferryhill at 5 p.m.; World War II had diverse effects upon the town. Email: info@spennymoor-tc.gov.uk. The first blow was the closure in 1901 of the ironworks which had been rendered obsolete by the pace of change elsewhere. Known to have produced .303 cartridges in: DC Defence Industries, Brownsburgh, Quebec, CANADA. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Used the same annulus colour coding as United Kingdom for ammunition supplied under contract to the British Government during both the First and Second World Wars. These factories were given the designation Royal Ordnance Factories (ROF). Monogram in use 1941 1945. We were also allowed inside a Halifax Bomber and according to a map we flew all over Darlington and Durham. 1985 Victoria Jubilee Park purchased by the Town Council. 1954 Middlestone Moor housing estate commenced. 1921 Royal Ordnance took over the National Filling Factories. Identification Manuals Nos 1, 2, 3, and 4 on the .303 British Service Cartridge by B.A. The round nose bullet form of the Black Powder Mark 1 and 2 and of the Cordite Mark 1 and 2 were felt by many servicemen to have less man stopping effect than the old lead .45 inch Martini bullet, the predecessor in service of the .303 cartridge. It was involved in the production of .303 cartridges in only a very limited way and is known to have manufactured these cartridges in: Tracer G Mk 2 (in cases dated 1943 and 1944). Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges: Ball, Mk 7 for 1914 1917 military contracts, Ball, Mk 7Z ( American WW2 Contract Pattern ). As is to be expected, the moor itself offers little of historical interest but it is linked with the records of Kirk Merrington, Whitworth Old Park, Binchester, Byers Green and Tudhoe, all of which form a part of the early days of Spennymoor. The USA had also produced the .303 Pattern 1914, also known as the Rifle No 3 Mk 1 or 1*, for the British Government during the First World War. The arms factory was closed in 1987. ROF Swynnerton; Filling Factory No. 11. 1939 Outbreak of World War II. Whitworth Hall severely damaged by fire. The most common system with the .303 cartridge used coloured bullet tips or colour around the annulus of the primer cap. It is impossible to walk between the rows of cottages without being convinced that the surface of the ground is to a large extent composed of the overflowing contents of these midden boxes. Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield Factory No 2. On the one hand it brought housing efforts almost to a standstill, but on the industry front it saw the resurgence of Spennymoor as a major centre. Spennymoor, United Kingdom (1913-1945). Known to have manufactured .303 cartridges in: K4 Imperial Chemical Industries Kynoch factory at Yeading, Hayes, Middlesex, UNITED KINGDOM. 1970 Moor Grange sheltered accommodation completed. The name Binchester is the usual Saxon corruption or adaptation of the Roman site name. Known to have produced both ball and blank .303 cartridges. 1913 Queen Mary visits the town. 33/4m Bessemer Park Estate completed. information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the By 1860, the factory was producing more than 90,000 rifles, or 1,744 a week. 1867 The Black Horse public house built in Tudhoe. 1818 The work of the Lewisham establishment was transferred to Enfield. 1929 Prince of Wales visits Spennymoor. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges during 1988. 1877 New iron Railway Bridge replaced the old wooden Bridge over the High Street. ROF Aycliffe; ROF 59 (Filling Factory No. Known to have produced nitro-cellulose loaded .303 cartridges in: 180 & 215 gr jacketed soft point sporting ammunition, RR or RRCO Ross Rifle Co, Montreal, CANADA. 1889 William Anderson was appointed Director General of Ordnance Factories, responsible for the ordnance factories, laboratory, carriage department and gun factory at Woolwich Arsenal, the small-arms factories at Enfield and Birmingham, and the gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey. 1787 Purchase of the powdermill at Waltham Abbey which was named the Royal Gunpowder Factory. At various times it had propellant factories at Arklow, County Durham, making cordite; at Warsboro Dale, Yorkshire, making blackpowder and at Kynochtown, Stanford Le Hope, Essex, making smokeless powder. Prior to the formation of Kynoch Ltd (see later entry) it was known to have produced .303 cartridges in: GEVELOT Gevelot & Gaupillat Freres, Paris, FRANCE. The Mark VI round was introduced in 1904 with a 215 grain jacketed round nosed bullet similar to the Mark II bullet but with a thinner jacket. 915.78 GBX Go to investor center Data is from the London Stock Exchange and may be delayed by 15 minutes or more. Known to have produced .303 cartridges with this headstamp April 1921 to December 1923, although some also produced in March 1924. In 1918 this factory had the capacity to produce about 5.4 million rounds per month. Three closed in 1924 and the strike saw another two fail. When we arrived at Goosepool Mr Hosie was not allowed to enter the airport as it was strictly guarded. The BBC is not responsible for the content of any external sites This fortress must have been of great strength, for it stood on a height above the River Wear; many coins, urns, altars and pieces of Roman pottery have been found, as well as the remains of a hypocaust of the heating system. In WWII Explosives factories were established at[9]: WWII: 20 Filling factories were planned but only 16 were built including[11] [12]: WWII: Other Filling factories were devoted to Small Arms Ammunition: Grace's Guide web site design is Copyright 2021 by Grace's Guide Ltd. More than 17,000 women worked at the factory, and Ms Scott said . DA Dominion Arsenal, Montreal, CANADA. G18F1 or C18F1 Government Cartridge Factory No 1, Blackheath, Staffs., UNITED KINGDOM. 1995 H.M. Queen Elizabeth II visited the Thorn Lighting factory at Spennymoor. Known to have produced .303 ball cartridges. This company was formed in 1890 at Kings Norton, it owned its own rolling mills and had a loading plant at Abbey wood in Kent. During the battle, the prior from Durham and his monks knelt on a little hillock in the Shaw Wood and prayed for an English victory while holding aloft, impaled on a spear, the Holy Corporax Cloth from the Cathedral. They had a filling factory at Abbey Wood and later during the 1939-45 war a filling factory at Farnham. Quite a few of these men must have been miners, as at that time coale pits were being worked at Whitworth, Byers Green and Fernhill. ROF Steeton; SAA Factory No. Colour coding appears in several forms on small arms ammunition. Modern Spennymoor was built on mining and has its origins with the sinking of the Wittered pit in 1839. Spennymoor is known to have produced .303 cartridges such as Ball Mk 7 and 8Z, Blank L Mk 5, Incendiary B Mk 6, B Mk 6Z, B . The production of these raw materials at Coulsons engineering works, Kenmirs furniture factory and newly-opened brickworks at Todhills were the main, if limited, sources of employment.Unemployment was over 33%. Hornady Hornady have manufactured their Custom brand of nitro-cellulose loaded .303 ammunition in the following sporting cartridges: 150 gr Spire Point Soft nosed sporting cartridge, 174 gr Round Soft nosed sporting cartridge. Cartridge cases were being produced by late 1940 but the ball bullets were still being imported into the factory in 1941. Cartridges known to have been manufactured in: MEN Maschinenfabrik Elisenhutte, Nassau, WEST GERMANY. They received their first Government contract for the supply of Mk 7 Ball ammunition in 1915 and continued to produce until the end of 1918 at their new factory at Tyseley. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Spennymoor Town Council, Inside, the most interesting feature is the screen, a typical example of late-17th century work. Cost 87,000. The huge munitions factory employed some 17,000 . 1869 Shaft sunk at Tudhoe Grange Colliery. This company represents the only new commercial ammunition manufacturer put into business by the Government as a result of demand in the 1914- 18 war. MW Small Arms Ammunition Factory No 6, Welchpool, AUSTRALIA. Demolition of High Street Railway Bridge. The Woolwich site apart from containing all the supportive facilities for the research, design, development, inspection and testing of ammunition also included an extensive range complex on the Plumpstead Marshes. Next we went with the WAAFs to see how they packed parachutes for the boys. : DC Defence Industries, Brownsburgh, Quebec, CANADA BVI head )! 1942 1942 1943 1944 Tikkakoski Arsenal - Finland Tikkakoski was the closure 1901. 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